Why you can be be free in 5 years (no nonsense)...

Absolute freedom - why this is no longer a pipe dream.

  • Release all your blocks to success by understanding how the market has changed and why you can achieve anything today.
  • Understand the money system and how to sell products online with ease.
  • Learn how business works and how to build and market a sustainable business.
  • Transform your life into a future that previously seemed unimaginable.

"That's completely unbelievable. Then everyone would do it!"
Take an hour and you'll believe me. I promise.

"I didn't even expect my own success - today nobody wants to believe how easy it is."

When I started my first business in 2014, neither I nor those around me really believed it would be successful. I didn't have in-depth knowledge of the industry I was working in, nor a clearly structured plan - and seed capital? Non-existent.

And yet - sales were skyrocketing and I could barely keep up. To avoid burnout, I deliberately slowed down the revenue, only to realise shortly afterwards that I wasn't earning enough to invest in the necessary infrastructure. I was caught in a vicious circle that many women entrepreneurs know all too well - and which often leads to giving up. The idea that the business could fail, even though customers were flocking to it... I had never imagined that before.

Many women start their own businesses full of enthusiasm, only to fail. The reason? They only see part of the picture. They focus on themselves and their 'mistakes' and overlook other variables that determine their success or failure.

In the beginning, I neglected many aspects - for example, whether I really wanted to commit to the issue that would bring value to my clients in the long term. In the hustle and bustle of the business world, I overlooked how I could have made things easier for myself and added value for my clients at the same time.

In the 16 years I've been in business, I've seen connections and principles that come as a complete surprise to many of my clients - and that open doors for them that they didn't even know existed.

"I never thought of it that way!" is a standard, surprised response I often hear.

Business works on simple principles that I will explain to you all.

Have the courage to enter a completely new world. Seize the opportunity to create a free, authentic life for yourself - one that our grandmothers could only dream of.

The know-how you will receive in The Female Up! Revolution will change your life.

Either immediately or in the months to come.

Nina Nowak (M.A.)

Founder of the FemaleChoice Business Academy

Dissolve your blockages

Why am I giving out the knowledge?

What you learn in the Female-Up! Revolution will surpass anything you've heard before.
16 years of business experience, 10 years of entrepreneurship and an invaluable wealth of experience - all bundled into this one-hour session.

Why am I doing this? I asked myself the same question, but the answer is simple: I want to see more women conquering the business world and shaping their own future with confidence and success. I am so sure of myself: I don't fear competition. Instead, I enjoy being surrounded by successful women.

In the Female-Up! Revolution gives you everything you need to know to outrun 80% of your competition. 


Why you should start today...

One thing you can always expect from me: honesty.

The world has changed profoundly in recent years - and a new era has begun for women. An era that has never existed before. For the first time in history, women have the opportunity to lead a life of freedom, self-determination and financial independence. And the best part? This is just the beginning.

Most people do not yet fully understand what is happening and what an incredible transformation is taking place. Too often we are still trapped in the hamster wheel of everyday life, blocked by old ideas and limiting beliefs of the "old" world.

If you have ever thought: "It must be possible somehow for me to be authentically myself, shape my own life, support people and earn a good income at the same time", then I have some very good news for you today:

It is possible.

And in the Female-Up! Revolution, I explain to you why absolute freedom is achievable for every woman - and, above all, how you can make it happen for yourself.

As this webinar can trigger a true flood of reactions, I reserve the right to take it offline at short notice.

If you watch these contents until the end, you will understand why: Because I decode everything you need to build a free life. So watch it while it's available.

© FemaleChoice Businessakademie