FemaleChoice Business Coaching
Unlimited freedom with your own business!
How to make your dream of freedom come true!
The dream of independence – the ultimate dream for many women!
Imagine being able to enjoy your life in complete freedom and make your own decisions. The FemaleChoice Business Academy shows you exactly how to do it! We provide you with everything you need to quickly become successful and sustain that success.
Your path to independence begins here – anything is possible!
Learn everything in the free Female-Up! Starter Class “Why €15,000 in sales is possible in three months – and how you can achieve it”.
Turn your passion into your profession!
You have talents and interests! Let us teach you how to turn these into learning packages that others can buy.
With the FemaleChoice Business Academy, we help women implement their business from A to Z!
Marketing psychology
How does marketing actually work? Why do people buy products? Why do they reject products? The secrets of marketing psychology are revealed. So that you can achieve a lot more with little effort than others who put thousands into their advertising budget!
Realization and REAL business!
What does self-employment actually mean? What are the steps to success? And what does hardly anyone talk about?
With 16 years of experience, we prepare you as a woman for everything that's coming up, so that you can build a business that goes through the roof, but doesn't burn you out!
Step by step to your freedom...
Finally be free! Create your work the way you want, stop worrying about your bills, and watch thousands of dollars pile up in your account every month.
Sounds impossible? Not anymore! Today, all of this is possible, and I'll show you how to do it!
Business idea & realization #1
Most women fail at the idea. They already have one, but somehow it's not quite right. And they hesitate in the face of technical challenges. Orientation Mentoring is about the basics of your future dream business. You not only learn what is possible, but also how to create structures and processes that work FOR YOU! So that you can travel for a month instead of working!
Marketing and self-employment
-everyday life #2
Why do so many self-employed people actually fail? Because most self-employed people don't understand two things: why people buy and what challenges you face in business in the long term.
No nonsense: building a successful business with a 5-6 figure turnover is not rocket science! Most problems arise from the mass of tasks, miscalculations and EUPHORIA.
We'll get that out of the way BEFORE your business takes off!
Success Mindset #3
Mindset is on everyone's lips! To be successful in the long term, you need a mindset that matches successful people. It's about how you evaluate contexts, how you react to situations, and how you evaluate yourself in the process. This is not about toxic positivity! In PRO coaching, I explain to you very objectively how your brain works and how it unintentionally “tricks” you into staying exactly where you are now. Blockages can be objectively resolved, giving you the opportunity to change your whole life.
Nina Nowak (german/polish), CEO of the FemaleChoice Businessacademy, studied sociology and communication science (M.A.). During her studies, she worked as a business consultant for companies such as Savills AG, Bayer and ECOLAB.
She then worked as a development aid volunteer in a township in Vaalwater, South Africa. Shortly after her return to Germany, she started her own business as a web designer. In 2014, she applied for a patent, founded a manufacturing company and revolutionized dog training with her patented dog harness, which enables non-violent and effective leash training.
In addition to her work as a business owner, she was active in refugee relief and as a mentor in family law cases.
In 2023, she founded FemaleChoice to empower women, followed in 2024 by the FemaleChoice Businessacademy to help women fulfill their dream of a free and authentic life.
Nina Nowak (M.A.)
CEO FemaleChoice Business Academy
Why you should start today...
One thing you can always expect from me: honesty.
The world has changed profoundly in recent years and a new era has dawned for women – one that has never existed before. For the first time in human history, women have the opportunity to build a free, self-determined and financially independent life without suffering severe reprisals. And this is just the beginning
Do you know anyone who is an expert in Indian cuisine and teaches this art in schools? No? This is often because many female talents do not take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them today Think about it: How many people enjoy cooking and would love to learn from a woman how to prepare healthy and delicious food, but never even think to look for it? (And where should they find it if it's hidden online?)
This applies to many areas. Women often tend to downplay their talents, pass on their knowledge quietly, and let others take the lead. But that has to change.
If you have a passion or a special talent, show it to the world! Share your knowledge, let others benefit from it and build an independent and fulfilled life!
We are at the beginning of a revolution that will particularly benefit those who position themselves early and learn everything about business management and marketing.
Be part of it. Create a future for yourself that seemed unthinkable until now. Learn “Why 15,000 in sales is achievable in three months – and how you can do it”.
Do you want to get started? In a few weeks, we will be launching our Female-Up! Starterclass “Why 15,000 in sales is achievable in three months – and how you can do it”. In it, you will learn the most important things for finally realizing your dream of freedom.
Register here if you want to get free access.
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